22 Nov Powering Your Business Operations in Today’s Remote Working Culture
This webinar featured SAP Business One software under ERP Solutions; the webinar was spearheaded by the Direc Business Technologies, Inc. and was held last September 29, 2020, via Zoom. The event was attended to by Company ERP Administrator and IT Personnel from selected industries to be knowledgeable on how to leverage SAP Business One to maintain secured and easy access, which is critical to a remote Work and BYOD Scenarios.
The objectives of this webinar are to educate the participants in identifying business risks for different catastrophic business disruptions, help them develop a long-term strategy for distributed access to SAP Business One, and to break the stigma of cyber risk from internet exposure by learning about different secured solutions to cater the needs for remote work for their enterprise.
Furthermore, Mr. Bhil Leonor, the Senior Technical Consultant, and Ms. Anna Ericka Guerra, the Functional Department Head at the Direc Business Technologies, Inc., discussed the topics “Building and Maintaining a Disaster Recovery Plan “, “Determining How Can SAP Business One Data Support a Remote Working Setup”, “The role of IT Security in Times of Crisis”, and “Pitchtech: An Overview of SAP Business One Version 10”.
The speakers shared learnings on how organizations can maintain a business continuity on different risks, and business scenarios will be an edge to be proactive and bounce back after any disruption. He also added on how SAP Business One can assist them in moving towards a seamless work-from-home setup and minimizing any network disruption and ensuring 100% uptime by learning how secured networks are implemented and the technology behind them.