Blog - Direc Business Technologies, Philippines - Page 4
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How can you train your employees on cybersecurity?Educate them about cyberattacks Encourage them to change passwords regularly Assess your employees Emphasize cautionOftentimes, organizations overlook the importance of knowing how to train their employees on cybersecurity. They might have the false notion that cybersecurity training...

What are some tips for you to avoid cyber-attacks?Use two-factor authentication Regularly update antivirus software Don’t put off OS updates Implement access control Backup important dataCyber threats can come in many forms nowadays. As such, constant innovations in hardware and software have been developed...

How do you secure your company network?Utilize strong network encryption Make use of a VPN Install antivirus software Incorporate a high-level firewall Train your employeesEverything connected to the internet is vulnerable to attacks. Cybersecurity providers and other stakeholders are ensuring that they’re introducing only...

What are some cybersecurity tips for remote working?Use a password manager Create strong passwords Avoid using public Wi-Fi Constantly update your computer Encrypt confidential emails Consider using a VPNIn navigating the new normal, people have already begun adopting different working arrangements such as working...