Cyber Security Training in the Philippines - Direc Business Technologies, Philippines
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Reducing the Risks of Cyber Attacks


What is the difference between a highly secured company and one that a hacker might target? Those who stay on top of cyber security practices by acknowledging possible cyber-attacks and attending cyber security training in the Philippines are more guaranteed to be safe. On the other hand, a company that isn’t really secured might be more vulnerable to phishing attacks.

Ultimately, the best way of preventing any case of private data breaches and loss of valuable information can be done by learning the best ways to deter cyber security attacks. For this to be possible, your organization should make sure that it has identified any vulnerabilities to further protect it from hackers or any kind of cyber-criminal.


Cyber Security Best Practices in the Workplace


Depiction of cyber security training in the philippines

As a stepping stone, apart from enrolling your employees in cyber security training in the Philippines, you can begin by implementing cyber security practices within the organization. It’s likely that your employees already have some level of knowledge about cyber security training in the Philippines — this means that your existing practices can be further improved and communicated better with them. Whether it’s about ensuring that they’re transmitting files safely over public Wi-Fi networks or regularly subjecting their devices to vulnerability assessments.

With this, you allow your employees to be accustomed to the initiative and make them recognize its importance. No one would get left behind in terms of being protected against cyber threats — after all, even just a single person downloading a suspicious file over email, for example, can already threaten the entire company.

Here are a few measures that you can take in order to help everyone in your organization get on board with cyber security training in the Philippines.


Ensure the Security of Wi-Fi or Internet Connection


It’s better for your employees to learn about cyber security training in the Philippines if they’re working on-site. This is because the pre-existing measures that you’ve already implemented for your office are intended to prevent cases of hacking, phishing attacks, malware, denial of service (DoS), and the like.

But the case certainly changes when your employees begin engaging in remote working arrangements. Think about it. You need cyber security training in the Philippines now more than ever, in the age of the internet of things (IoT) where people are also bringing their own devices (BYOD). So many individuals using multiple devices all at once can virtually connect into a single Wi-Fi network — how can you make sure that your employees aren’t transmitting sensitive information over unsecured networks?

Fortunately, this is what cyber security training in the Philippines sets out to do for your organization. You and your employees can protect their data with endpoint security solutions in the Philippines that are essential for anyone who might be working outside of a physical office site.

What endpoint security does is essential to protect end-user devices like smartphones, desktops, laptops, or tablets, which your employees may be making use of. It’s also advisable for you to discourage your workforce from using unsecured public Wi-Fi networks that can only increase data vulnerability, as well as, the chances of them being intercepted by malicious hackers.


Employing Third-party Controls


Your organization’s cyber security training in the Philippines should not only be limited to your current employees. While it’s true that the level of data breaching starts internally, within the organization, you can’t really keep track of third-party access to your company network and other private information and sensitive data.

Knowing this, it’s important that you limit the access of these third-party figures, like consultants, former employees, and freelancers. Apart from monitoring them, another good way to get them in line with your cyber security training in the Philippines is by allowing them access to only what they need. For example, if they’re already using a company-issued laptop to perform their duties for the organization, don’t let them connect to your network using a separate device.

Furthermore, it would be best if you instilled a sense of integrity within the organization to prevent relevant key platforms from leaking. When they have better accountability, they’re less likely to unwittingly do anything that can further harm the company.


Install Security Software Updates


Sometimes, the best cyber security training in the Philippines can be done through something as simple as installing software security updates.

It may be common for both you and your employees to put off updating cyber security applications such as antivirus, anti-malware protection, web browsers, and operating systems. With this knowledge, it’s important that you make it a habit to protect them by implementing a range of good cyber security practices.

For information that is commonly stored online and offline, make use of a variety of backup sources such as an external hard drive and the cloud. With this, even if you lose access to your online data due to any malware issue, you still maintain access to offline data. If you quickly resolve the online data breach issue, the entire organization will not have to endure a temporary stop of effort and maintain business continuity without disrupting the core operations of your business.


Investing in Effective Security Systems


Investing early in effective security systems can save organizations and employees from the financial and legal costs of being breached.

In many ways, security systems are one facet of cyber security training in the Philippines. You’re already familiar with some of them, such as antivirus applications, external hard drives, vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, web browser protection, and the like. All of these are essential in protecting all of your company’s core IT-related processes, as well as assets.

While there may be a couple of flaws in security systems, having one is better than none. When an issue arises, it can be quickly resolved by your IT department without slowing down systems or threatening the productivity of your workforce.


Raise Awareness of Current Threats


Cyber security training in the Philippines can be overwhelming as not many are familiar with engaging in this type of organizational initiative.

For instance, the IT department often remains responsible for resolving any virus or malware attacks before they reach alarming levels. Your employees won’t really have a good idea about these cyber attacks and how they can potentially threaten your organization as a whole.

As technology gets more and more accessible and as systems get more advanced, so too do these threats. If in the past, only computers were at risk, now, your employees’ devices are also in the line of fire.

Knowing this, another great way to implement cyber security training in the Philippines is to raise awareness among your employees about current threats that exist. As the threats constantly change, it becomes difficult to discern where to begin. Raising awareness will allow you to prevent any data breaches that may become costly to address or even irreversible.


Include All Users


Your cyber security training in the Philippines must be extended to all employees. This includes management that has access to organizational platforms, as well as, other departmental levels. More often than not, companies have this thinking that cyber security training is only the responsibility of them and their employees — but this isn’t necessarily the case.

Following a reliable plan for cyber security training in the Philippines has become increasingly critical for your organization. This is because you’re also working alongside different companies and other third-party service providers who may have access to critical data. It’s important that you don’t underestimate just how far-reaching the effects of cyber security attacks to not only your organization but to all your business partnerships as well.


Importance of Cyber Security Training

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From merely complying with laws regarding information and technology to boosting your employees’ career growth, here is why undergoing cyber security training in the Philippines is important.


For Meeting Compliance Requirements


In 2017, the Philippine government introduced a National Cyber security Plan due in 2022. The goal of the plan is to assure the nation’s continuous development of critical infostructures, public, and military networks. Another one of its goals is to establish cyber resilience measures that enhance the ability to respond to threats before, during, and after the attacks.

Finally, there are also mission objectives that are related to the business sector as part of compliance with the need for cyber security training in the Philippines. This includes raising awareness on cyber risk and how security measures could be used to prevent, protect, respond, and recover from cyber attacks.

As much as the laws entail the inherent punishments for cybercrime, businesses are mandated and given the role of subjecting their organizations to awareness training.


Reducing Risk of Data Breaches


In reality, data breaches occur when any employee within an organization makes a mistake. It does not only mean negligence, but it could also mean that there are gaps in policies. They could also be caused by ineffective processes as well as a lack of proper and efficient digital defenses. With this, placing your organization through courses included in your organization’s cyber security training in the Philippines will allow them to understand the attacks they might encounter.


Fosters Employee Career Growth


Cyber security training courses allow employees to enhance their career growth. Courses enable them to pick up new management and critical thinking skills to gain better and more advanced qualifications. Instead of hiring qualified information security professionals, training your current staff remains a better decision to cut costs. Organizations will almost certainly benefit from the extra knowledge their employees will obtain to ease the pressure of searching for skilled professionals in the market.


Types of Attacks Employees May Encounter

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In the Philippines, cyber security training becomes mandatory for any business because of rising incidents and threats. Anything can be targeted, from applications to SAP software for manufacturing in the Philippines. The following types of attacks employees may encounter only emphasize that employees need to undergo awareness training. Regardless of whether or not an anti-virus or intrusion detection system is in place. Not only to recognize the threat that they might be facing but also to prevent employee-enacted data breaches.




Phishing scams are a type of attack that aims for people to click links embedded in emails. These links contain malware or tainted materials. They are created by cyber criminals hoping to breach private networks and extract valuable data.

Cyber criminals, also known as phishers, have become increasingly creative with how they would give the link a new appearance to increase the chances of getting clicked. Links can appear internal or external facing. These links manipulate SSL encryption and HTTPS that lure employees into thinking a site is safe to visit. The latest phishing scam takes on the form of emails that appear to come from another employee or any familiar third-party. This tricks employees into thinking they are responding to business-related matters.


Malware Email Attacks


Email downloads are the primary weapons for malware email attacks. These malware emails are a subset of the broader malware threats embedded in emails. Similar to phishing, these malware-laden email attachments appear in the form of a downloadable file that breaches a device, server, or network once clicked and opened. The moment an employee clicks on the file, it immediately gets downloaded, and it latches onto the target internal file. The damage to internal files is irreversible. It can cause an entire server and every database in it to be exposed to cyber-criminals.


Fileless Attacks


As the name suggests, file-less attacks do not rely on malicious attachments or malware-laden links. Instead, these bugs work on vulnerable software, applications, and programs employees use on a regular basis. Often, these in-office utilities are made of traditional security and protection, which lack updates. These file-less attacks can be nearly untraceable for an average worker whose mind is set on getting work done for the day. The way file-less attacks work is similar to any other malware designed to build digital portals within files. Portals serve as bridges that allow cybercriminals to spy, take over, administer bugs, and extract valuable data directly from the core operating systems of the software or application.


Survive The Growing Virtual Transgression In The Philippines With Cyber Security Training By Direc Business Technologies Inc.!


Allowing your employees to learn best practices through cyber security training in the Philippines makes a huge difference in protecting valuable internal information. Even if your company already implements effective security software and comprehensive workplace policies. Ensuring every single employee is educated on possible cyberattacks remains a necessity to help protect the organization, regardless of whether the organization is a large corporation or a small to medium-sized business.

Interested in learning more? Click here to start protecting your organizational key platforms from cyberattacks!